Pampering With a Purpose: The Health Benefits of Massage

White Orchid Spa

Who doesn’t love a massage? In our Vero Beach spa, we provide many different types of massage therapy to suit our clients’ needs—from the classic Swedish technique to more intense, functional options. But there’s so much more to massage than relaxation. This ancient art is finally getting its due as a truly therapeutic treatment. Its recorded benefits will certainly come as no surprise to massage aficionados.


Whether you deal with chronic anxious feelings or you’re going through a particularly stressful period, massage can help. During a massage, you’re essentially forced to calm down. The dim lighting, soft music, and heavy blanket can do amazing things for your mood. Regular massages can stave off long-term anxiety problems or at least give you something to look forward to during a difficult time. Keep in mind that massage isn’t intended to be a cure or a treatment for a diagnosed anxiety disorder. But it can certainly help you feel more mentally and physically comfortable.


“Headaches” are one of the most nonspecific symptoms in medicine, and they have a variety of causes. However, a lot of headaches can be traced back to tension or stress. When we’re stressed, we tend to contract our muscles and tense up, holding pressure in our shoulders or necks. This sustained muscle tension can lead to a lot of aches and pains throughout our bodies, but especially in our heads. If you deal with regular tension headaches (those are characterized by a sensation of a tight band around your head), massage therapy may lessen their frequency.

Sports Injuries

The pain of certain mild injuries, such as a muscle strain, can be relieved by particular massage techniques. Massage increases blood flow to targeted areas, which can speed healing and help you feel better in the meantime, too. If you have an injury, be sure to tell your massage therapist about it prior to your treatment so he or she can approach it with care.


If you’re having trouble falling or staying asleep at night, massage can help melt away the stress causing this annoying symptom. Keep in mind that there’s only evidence that massage helps remedy stress-based insomnia, not insomnia caused by a medical condition. However, if you’re getting less than your 40 winks and other conditions have been ruled out, massage is worth a try!

What can I expect?

New to massage? It can be a little scary to walk into your first appointment. Let’s review what happens during the appointment.

When you arrive at White Orchid Spa, we’ll ask you a few questions about your body, including the areas you’d like to focus on, any injuries we should be aware of, and any medical conditions you have. This helps your massage therapist adjust his or her technique to make sure you get the most from your massage. Once you’re checked in, a member of our team brings you to our locker room, where you’ll disrobe and change into a plush, roomy robe and slippers. Some people choose to leave their underwear on. If you wear a bra, we do recommend removing it so your therapist has unrestricted access to your back. Once you’ve changed, you can enter your private massage room. Your sturdy massage table comes equipped with a heavy blanket, so you won’t be exposed during your treatment. Typically, you’ll be lying face down at the beginning of your massage.

Your massage therapist begins by applying oil or lotion to your skin. Each massage is different, but your therapist will likely start by using light strokes to relax your muscles and put you at ease. He or she will periodically check in with you to make sure you’re comfortable. Although some discomfort is normal when releasing tension, a sharp or extreme pain is not. Don’t be afraid to speak up!

After your massage concludes, you’ll return to the locker room to get dressed. Take it slow, especially if your massage was an intense one. Don’t try to get up too quickly and be sure to drink plenty of water.

At White Orchid Spa, we’re committed to making you feel amazing, inside and out—that’s pampering with a purpose. To learn more about our massage services, contact us today.

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